
I DID IT!!! I finally took a deep breath and put on my big girl panties and used my Brother sewing machine to Free Motion Quilt my latest completed top, Pure Love. Thank goodness the top was small and manageble…

I must say, I didnt think it would turn out so well.. I did an all over Meander and then used Stippling around the heart in the center block. Now all I need to do is bind it and I have another finished project!!

FINALLY!! My kiddos are finally “back to school”. They start back on Thursday… although they are already busy with Volleyball practices and Cheer practices. It is truly amazing how quickly the summer flies by! It seems as if in only just began!

And while I am very glad to get back to the routine that school brings… I am NOT looking forward to the drama that seems to descend apon a house full of teen girls when school is in session. Pray for us!!

Here is NUMBER ONE!! That is, number one of 140 flowers that will comprise the Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt I have decided to tackle… as if I need ONE MORE project.

Today we are over at my boyfriends house for a BBQ. His girls and my twins decided to use the donut making tool we acquired at a stop at a yard sale on the way. They had quite a bit a fun with that .50 item!!


It has arrived!! The shoe panel and coordinated fabrics that I have so excitedly been waiting for!! It was great working with Jeannie from Painted Quilts.

Isnt it BEAUTIFUL!! Follow my blog to see the fabric turned into a beautiful quilt for my sister!

This is my beautiful 17 year old daughter Ana. She will be a Junior in High School this year.  She has quite a head on her shoulders… straight A student, taking college courses this year, she is on a GREAT track! She is a cheerleader for her school, and does a great job. I am truly proud of the young lady she has become!!

Here are my beautiful 14 year old twin daughters, Victoria and Gabriellah… arent they beauties! They are coming into that age of wanting independence and trying to be a little older than what they really are… This picture was taken right after they got their braces off. A day for celebration to be sure!!

I am SEW excited! Any day now I will be receiving AMAZING fabric from a very talented artist! You can see her panels and fabrics here.

I plan to recreate the BEAUTIFUL shoe quilt and give it as a gift to my shoe obsessed sister.

Stay tuned for updates!!

Good Morning Blog World!!

Here in lies my journey as a Thirty-Something single mother of three teen girls… yes, I said three. Along this journey I have found the LOVE OF QUILTING!! Quilting is what keeps me sane. Well, sort of.  I plan on sharing about my three, amazing, beautiful children, as well as sharing about my Quilting.

Here we go!!!


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